Every month, there will be a tip, a web site posting, and a lesson, which will cover both Hieroglyphic and Coptic. In order to ensure that you pursue the curriculum as vigorously as you can, please do the assignments recommended at your own discretion.
Join the Cause: http://www.causes.com/causes/383858-revive-the-egyptian-language/about
Most importantly, share as much as you care for the upkeep of our heritage.

Even though the Egyptian language mostly survives as the liturgical language in the Coptic Church today, it is far from being a religious language. It is the language of our heritage. It is the language on the tombs, in the scrolls, on the stones, on everything truly Egyptian.

If you want to honor your true Egyptian heritage, please join the cause and help revive the language that has unfortunately been lost for centuries.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE recruit more people, every Egyptian you know.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Coptic Post 3: Coptic Fonts

Download "CS" Coptic Fonts

Coptic Lesson 3: Coptic Vocabulary

Coptic Tip 3: Synonyms In different Uses

The Coptic word "niven" meaning "all," is synonymous with the word "tir-" only with a different usage. "Niven" is placed after the singular unit, while "Tir-" is placed after the collective or plural word. This is very similar to the English "every" vs. "all."
"Hoob niven": everything
"Nihviouy tirou": all things

Hieroglyphic Post 3: Hieroglyphic Fonts

Download "Gardiner" Hieroglyphic Fonts

Hieroglyphic Lesson 3: Hieroglyphic Symbols

Hieroglyphic Tip 3: "Neb" All, Master

The two different meanings of the symbol "neb" shown as a bowl, "all" vs. "master," can be distinguished from the position of the word within the sentence. If placed as a title before the noun (or name), it signifies "master" or "lord." If placed as an adjective after the noun (objects), it signifies "all."
"Neb Tut": Master Tut
"hro neb": Everyday